Wednesday, March 12, 2014

2 weeks old!


Bailee is growing so much every day!  Each picture I take of her is different.  We think she is the cutest thing in the world and we just love her.  Her eyes are open a little longer each day, and she is becoming more and more of a wiggly worm.  She gets the hiccups ALL the time, and smiles/giggles in her sleep.  She is always making us laugh with her funny faces and all of the cute/funny noises she makes.We love her to pieces and could just stare at her all day long!  :)

A HUGE thank you to my sister Jana for helping me take pictures of her!  Bailee got mad at us while we were taking pictures of her, but we caught a few cute ones.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OH MY GOSH! THE MAD FACE ONE IS SO AWESOME!!!! Fielding and I love it so much. She is so dang cute.