Tuesday, July 17, 2012

California Love!

I can't stand it, I just have to tell someone...and that just happens to be my blog because Mark is probably sick of me hearing it.  We are going to be in Santa Cruz in exactly 4 days!!!!!!!!!!  I am so excited I can't even stand it!  And our list of things to do is growing and I can't wait!  We are even going to have time to have an entire beach day in San Diego...EEEEEEEE!!!  I have a feeling I am never going to want to leave.  I have never been on a big trip before by myself (well, Mark is going to be there too) where I had to plan everything.  The biggest trip we have been on together was to San Francisco for our honeymoon, but it was all pretty much planned, thanks to Mark.  I have been planning like crazy for this trip since March, and it is finally here.  Wanna know what we are doing?!  Good, because I am going to tell you because I am so exited.
  • Santa Cruz Boardwalk
  • Cannery Row
  • Monterey Bay Aquarium
  • 25 miles bike ride form Monterey to Carmel, and back to Monterey if we decide we can handle another 25 miles
  • Hiking
  • Camping
  • Hearst Castle
  • Beaches, beaches, and more beaches
  • Hollywood
  • Spa - we are staying at a spa.  I have never been to a spa...I'm so excited!
  • San Diego Temple
  • San Diego Zoo
  • Sunsets ON the beach!
  •  Grand Canyon
  • Las Vegas for 2 nights!  We found an amazing groupon deal in Las Vegas.  I finally get to see all of the amazing hotels everyone talks about there!  It will probably be my one and only time to go there, so I'm looking forward to it...it will probably be the last time I will want to go there anyway, so I'm going to make the most of it.  :)
I know it looks like a lot...because it is!  We are excited (I think me more than Mark...) and can't wait!  I am most looking forward to the Zoo and spending time on the beach.  Mark is looking forward to The Santa Cruz Boardwalk and Spa!  I don't blame him.  :)  I love that man SO much!  He has done so much for me and has really put up with my crazy planning very well, and I am so grateful for that.  We are going on this big vacation for 2 reasons.  1, This is going to be our last vacation for the next 8 years or so (that is what I am planning on so I don't get my hopes up...) because of Medical School and kiddos (hopefully within those 8 years we might have a kid or 2).  2, On July 31st, we will be married for 2 years.  It is our 2 year anniversary, and it has gone by SO fast!  We have really learned how to put up with one another and our craziness and work together, but I will blog about that on our anniversary.  This summer is probably the last summer we will have off together, and we are enjoying every single second of being together with no obligations.  Once Mark took the MCAT (which he finds out the score to on SATURDAY!), and I finished Fancy Nancy Camp, all we had left to do was spend time together and with family...and sleep in.  Let me tell you what, it has been MARVELOUS.  I guess this trip is also going to be a "celebration" or a "picker upper" for the MCAT...haha.  Lots of reasons why we are doing it I guess.  And it is 4 days away!!!!!  :)  I haven't even gone yet, and I am so excited.  Mark keeps laughing at me, but I can't help it.  You will hear all about it when I blog about each amazing day we spend together in California/Nevada.  So if you aren't sick of me talking about it yet, just wait.  ;)  Well, there is a pretty big pile of clothes on the bed that I need to fold, and it is 12:30 a.m.  and I wanted to go running in the morning.  I guess I should get to work and go to bed...if you read this whole thing, I applaud you.  It was mostly for me to get my excitement out.  So thanks for reading it if you read it, you are a true friend.  :)


Sara said...

I'm excited for you! Can't wait to hear all about it. Be safe!

Unknown said...

Whoa mama! That's what I call a vacation! And a spa?? You guys are like the rich people on the reality tv shows.

Kyle and Alyssa said...

yea! I'm a true friend!!! Summer thanks for posting this! I hope it turns out better than anticipated! Enjoy a beach for me:)I'm glad you planned this trip!!!

Rebecca said...

You are too cute! Id say have fun..but you have already planned for it!! :)